Offer Cheap Car Insurance Tips to Young Drivers, promulgators of those adverts you just can’t seem to get out of your head, have lately commissioned research into which cars are cheapest to insure for young drivers – young, in this case, being 17-20 year-olds.

The results reveal that the Ford Ka2 is ahead of the pack, while the Peugeot 107 was a close second. The worst car to insure for young drivers, incidentally, is one of the most popular – the ear-busting Honda Civic. Whoever knew that Type R stood for rip-off?

The cost of motor insurance for young drivers rocketed in the second quarter of 2011, with17-20 year olds forking out as much as four times the average to insure their vehicles. Perhaps this research has come at just the right time – according to the price index, comprehensive car insurance for this age band is a whopping £4,006 per annum.’s research has helpfully highlighted the five cheapest and five most expensive cars to insure, with the aim of educating young drivers as to the potential costs linked to buying their desired roadsters. But perhaps Ford Ka2s and Peugeot 107 simply aren’t cool enough, despite their low maintenance costs.

The research also showed that 50% of under-25s could save as much as £594 on their premiums by using This dovetails with Consumer Intelligence data, calibrated in July of this year, that indicated 55% of policy-holders could save up to £200 by switching.

The price comparison giant continues to generate a million quotes per month, and if Ford Kas don’t float your boat, it could be worth checking into to find the cheapest ‘cool’ option.

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